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Copenhagen (HQ)

Our Head Quarters in Copenhagen plays a pivotal role in linking companies, research institutions, and innovation ecosystems in Denmark and the countries where our Innovation Centres operate. HQ ensures alignment with government bodies and other Danish public innovation actors, such as national cluster organizations and university incubators.

Connecting danish partners to global innovation hotspots

Denmark ranks high in global innovation comparisons. In order to uphold this prominent position, the Danish innovation system must continuously improve its capacity to conceptualise and commercialise knowledge and ideas. The triple-helix – academia, industry, government – must be closer-knit and better integrated with the global innovation community – to attract talent and funding, and to co-create solutions to the societal challenges facing Denmark and the world today. To this end, ICDK has been mandated by the government to be the extended eyes, ears and brains of Danish knowledge-intensive companies, science and higher education institutions and public organisations.

ICDK connects companies, research and innovation ecosystems in Denmark and the countries where the Innovation Centres are located: ICDK assists the entry of high potential Danish companies, contributes to attracting inbound investment into Denmark and serves as the link between research and innovation environments in Denmark and abroad. The HQ plays an important role in facilitating and coordinating this process. It furthermore ensures a link to the other Danish public innovation actors (RTOs, 14 national clusters, university incubators, etc.) and coordination with other relevant government bodies. ICDK HQ in alignment with the seven centres is supporting the implementation of Danish government strategies and objectives within the field of innovation - special focus is on Green Transition, Life Science and Technology.

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ICDK HQ is represented on several events promoting partnerships and matching relevant partners within the field of innovation, among others:

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