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About us

Innovation Centre Denmark is a collaboration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of Denmark. ICDK is located in seven innovation regions, chosen for their relevance for Danish businesses, researchers, and institutions of higher education.

Danish Ideas. Global solutions.

All great change comes from innovation. However, ideas don't change anything just by existing. Alone in the dark they will wither and fade.

They need exposure like all living things. To be nurtured and matured. Challenged and tested. They need to be connected.

At Innovation Centre Denmark, our mission is to do just that. To connect Danish innovation to global markets. To make sure that we go beyond ideas.

We strive to form the bonds that create lasting change so that the best minds can shape the world of tomorrow.

internships at the innovation centres around the world

Application dates will be posted on the centres' LinkedIn profiles for the spring or fall semester

Icdk around the world

The first Innovation Centre Denmark opened in 2006 in Silicon Valley, California. The Centre was a pilot project tasked with creating a sustainable, innovative business model. A second centre was established shortly thereafter in Shanghai in 2007. Over the next years, Innovation Centres were opened in Munich, Seoul, New Delhi (now Bangalore), Tel Aviv and most recently in Boston.

Strategic Foundation

ICDK is an integrated and extended part of the Danish Innovation Ecosystem and the Foreign Service. We deploy our diplomatic connections and vast experience in international collaboration to foster knowledge exchange, ideation and commercialization of innovations. Always with a strong focus on sustainability and long-term collaboration, and on bolstering Denmark’s competitiveness, prosperity and green transition.

From our innovation frontline positions, we advise Danish knowledge-intensive companies, science and higher education institutions, and public organisations and connect them with international partners and decision-makers. We bring home knowledge and establish strong partnerships across countries, sectors, and organisations – to turn ideas into sustainable solutions and products.

We provide the international network, knowledge and framework needed to lift Denmark’s innovation power and build a greener and smarter future.

We elevate Danish science and innovation through collaboration with world-leading innovation ecosystems.


Get in touch

Contact us in Copenhagen for general information Send e-mail