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TRAIN -THE-TRAINER programme: entrepreneurship and innovation 

From 12-16 May 2025, Innovation Centre Denmark in Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) together host a 5-day train the trainer programme with focus on entrepreneurship, innovation and technology in Southern Germany

The programme presents a unique opportunity to get insight into the Southern German innovation ecosystem, build new bridges and networks, and learn from research organisations, start-ups and companies in Munich.

the programme

The programme combines an introduction to the Bavarian innovation ecosystem, including networking and meetings with companies and other key players with an intensive train the trainer course including entrepreneurship modules at TUM Institute for Lifelong Learning.

20 Trainers/educators from entrepreneurship centres at Danish universities, research and technology organisations (RTOs) and university colleges, and 10-15 TUM participants will get the opportunity to gain inspiration, knowledge and collaboration models from Southern German innovation ecosystem that they can use in their daily work.

The programme is funded by Otto Mønsted Foundation. ICDK Munich (lead) organises the programme in collaboration with TUM Institute for Lifelong Learning.

Funded by: 

Otto Moensteds Fond logo

Organised by: 

ICDK and TUM logo