Tech Scouting
Take advantage of Innovation Centre Denmark’s global advisory network and local experts for finding the right technology solutions for your organisation.
In the race to innovate, DAX companies are moving away from accelerators to Corporate Venture Capital (CVCs) and Startup Partnering. Startup collaboration involving pilots and proof-of-concept projects have become increasingly important. Innovation managers are receiving direct challenges from the internal business units. This demand for tech innovation is fulfilled by internal and external technology scouts who reach out in their networks looking for solutions. Finding the perfect hand-picked technology solution is a resource-intensive task. Moreover, finding the right regional hidden champions often requires a deeper on-ground network. While Munich is emerging as the startup collaboration and corporate venture client hub, Berlin is maintaining its ground in the field of classic venture capital investments.
Southern Germany, one of Europe’s strongest technology regions, has a thriving and transforming innovation ecosystem with global players like BMW, Siemens, Audi, and entrepreneurial talents from the world’s leading technical universities. The Innovation Centre Denmark in Munich with its strategic presence can tap into this unique regional ecosystem, leverage the innovation ecosystem in Denmark to help your organisation find the right technology solutions.
Our Tech Scouting service involves matchmaking activities and is driven by the tech innovation needs within corporates in Germany and Denmark. As a part of the service, we help our German Corporate and investment partners find technology solutions from Denmark. Reciprocally, we match the Danish corporate counterparts looking for solutions with the technologies from Germany.
location in innovation hotspots like Silicon Valley, Tel Aviv, Seoul, and
Shanghai enables us in Munich to tap into a huge innovation and expert network
to find the right solutions. The tech advisory team in Munich adds on a unique
knowledge of the local innovation ecosystem in Germany. Our unique positioning
as a neutral party without vested interests enables us to get access to
decision-makers within companies and research institutions. Moreover, our
diplomatic positioning enables us to forge trustworthiness in the partnerships
we build in the region.
Roche Partnership Program
Partners with Infineon Technologies AG for Tech Scouting
At BMW, we always look for smart and innovative solutions that can improve our production and logistics. Therefore, it does not matter whether these ideas come from large companies or startups. However, it is a lot harder to keep track of the countless startups, compared to the established large companies. That is why we are constantly building on our relationships with universities and startup centres, which is why we also knew that Innovation Centre Denmark would be the right partner for us.