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Danish life science strategy

New horizons for Danish Life Science

The Danish government has launched its updated Life Science Strategy. The strategy outlines a comprehensive approach to advancing the country's life science sector towards 2030. 

The  Danish Government's life science strategy is designed to cement Denmark’s position as a leading international life science hub in and revolves around six strategic initiatives, each focused on overcoming industry challenges and harnessing growth opportunity. Through the strategic initiatives, Denmark aims to support growth, innovation, and internationalization within the life science sector, ultimately benefiting patients, healthcare systems, and the economy.

International perspectives

The Danish Life Science Strategy emphasizes international collaboration, viewing global partnerships and health diplomacy as essential for advancing Denmark’s influence and competitiveness in life sciences. Denmark is committed to addressing global health challenges and expanding market access through diplomatic efforts in key countries, including the ICDK-countries U.S., Germany, and South Korea.

Within the EU, Denmark actively shapes life science regulations to ensure competitive and harmonized frameworks that support Danish innovation. Additionally, initiatives by Healthcare Denmark and Invest in Denmark aim to attract foreign investments and enhance Denmark’s global profile as a leader in sustainable health solutions. 

Summer School to foster talent 

The strategy includes the establishment of an elite life science summer school aimed at developing exceptional Danish talent and fostering international networks, positioning Denmark as a premier destination for advanced education and collaboration in life sciences.

Get an overview of the six strategic initiatives 

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1. Strengthening growth

The strategy focuses on creating a robust environment for emerging life science companies by expanding access to venture capital and strengthening partnerships among research institutions, healthcare providers, and private companies.

2. Enhanced Research and Utilization of Health Data

This initiative promotes clinical research and the integration of AI in healthcare through enhanced use of health data. The creation of additional ethics committees and strengthening the Trial Nation network aim to attract more clinical trials to Denmark, establishing it as a leader in healthcare data innovation.

3. Improved adoption of Innovation in healthcare

Recognizing the importance of adopting innovative health solutions, this initiative seeks to streamline the adoption of new healthcare technologies, especially those that enhance efficiency and reduce labor dependency.

4. Attractive Framework Conditions for Production and Foreign Investments

To enhance Denmark’s appeal as a production hub, this initiative focuses on reducing bureaucratic hurdles and expediting production establishment through streamlined permit processes and designated industrial zones. Denmark also seeks to strengthen access to skilled labor, ensuring that the life science sector has the resources necessary for sustainable growth.

5. International Cooperation and Health Diplomacy

By reinforcing its global partnerships and health diplomacy efforts, Denmark intends to position itself as a key player in tackling global health challenges and promoting Danish health solutions worldwide. This includes intensifying efforts in international health diplomacy

6. Collaborative Development of the Life Science Sector

This initiative emphasizes a unified approach among government, industry, and research institutions to collectively drive the life science agenda forward. Ongoing evaluations and safety enhancements within the sector will support Denmark’s ambition to become a European leader in life sciences.

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